
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Great Storyteller by the Name Antonina

Where are the stories that were meant to be told to me.
How to deal with the loss of the untold truth?
You have to be willing to reveal something that no one
knows. And that seems simple. To tell the untold in a
way that it doesn't matter what it is, because it is told
in a wonderful way -- that is the answer to the question.
This is a picture of my grandma Antonina, who was a great storyteller.


marzenna said...

Tak. Babcia Antonina była wspaniała - szczera, gościnna, zawsze uśmiechnięta, lubiła opowiadać. Nie znałam jej zbyt dobrze, ale wiążę z jej osobą miłe wspomnienia. Była kochana.

Malgorzata said...

To prawda; Szkoda, ze nie ma jakiegos nagrania audio albo video, zeby pokazac dzieciom.