
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Life is good when you are a cleaning lady

Time for another wonderful story. Today was an eventful day. I washed floors in my house. and i declare that i don't like the bliss of mopping, and the look of dust and trash under the couch is not what i like to have my sight on. But the job is done, and now i can smell the roses in the garden.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Unfortunately There Are No Ladybugs Found Today!

Kapusta - planted and cared for by me personally, of course!

Moja niechec do niektorych postaci jest wyjatkowo mocna i nie sezonowa; raczej trwajaca bezustannie. Nieuleczalna niechec do charakterow, ktore nie moga wypowiedziec swojej do mnie urazy wprost do mojej twarzy jest ogromna jak ocean. Moze dlatego koje swoja zlosc ogladaniem filmow rysunkowych z lat piecdziesiatych Walta Disneya. No wlasciwie niektore (filmy) pochodza z lat czterdziestych. Prezetuje tutaj fotografie mojej grzadki kapuscianej z lat dwutysiecznych, scislej mowiac z dziewietnastego grudnia 2008.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Story Without Major Theme Illustrated during Pre-Christmas Time

Pencil on paper, November 29, 2008.
This illustration has no story. You, my dear Reader,
can make your own story; and I am happy to awaken your
creative juices. It is the holiday season that will truly be your
bank of wealthy memories. Just relax, and dream on.