
Saturday, November 28, 2009

No title

Holidays are here, and it means that I might be baking again. I don't like to eat the cookies I bake. I hope that Santa will send me some delicious French macaroons and other exotic cookies with fruit filling.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Anonymous in Crowd Brings Sprats

We (my brother and I) decided that we can't sell loads of baked goods called 'aunt so and so's white trash cookies' ( if we made them, which is not the case), because we are not famous. And our blogs are not widely read, adding another obstacle to the riches available out there to everyone who may want them. I make good scones using just flour, baking powder, sugar and whipping cream, but it is not my original recipe. What's my point? My point is that we don't like sweet stuff all the time, and we are looking for something that tastes and feels like the color of money -- and yet it is not food.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Pink Christmas trees: The big one by the entrance, and many small ones dispersed here and there. Glittery pink reindeer with furry black mufflers around their little necks. - It is kind of awful, but not bad. And the colors - they're bright, not really uplifting, but then, maybe they are, like when the afternoon sun colors the snowy earth. Where am I? What's with these small black plastic Christmas trees and... little Golden Buddhas? What is real and what is not real? Colors that go together so beautifully are: shaded orange and light, foggy purple/lilac. Now add some white snowflakes and tiny snowballs, gloves and mittens! Why is this image so comforting and beautiful, even without the flying gingerbread man?

The Story of Turtlenecks

So, winter weather is here! I wore a turtleneck today! I need to write some random nonsense here, so no stupid stuff sticks to me. We had burritos again. Mine had yellow rice and cheese in them. The light in my living room is yellow too! I am the proud owner of pine cones, just in time for the fireplace season!!! It feels stupid to post any pictures here and now.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Writing a blog is fun, but it's also a pain. I don't really feel like spending my time here, but I feel like I have to post something. I do this because I want to read what I wrote. The text has to be short, because I get bored very easily. I can read a book that I can hold in my hands, unlike the unreal one that can be found here. The radiation in my eyes and the sore butt from sitting in front of you are the casualties. I have admiration for you, but I can't express it beautifully enough to inspire anything greater than this moment of truth: The freedom from your tyranny is sweet like the chocolate covered hazelnuts that I am about to trade you for!!! Little by little the small steps grow; the larger character emerges. The accumulation of knowledge fights with the freedom. Today's other facts are: The freed character marches like a dancer, not like a soldier. The funny thing is that I don't like the seriousness, and grace can be found in doing nothing; lemons are on my mind: those yellow ones and those purple ones, simultaneously. I made some tea with honey and one slice of lemon. Years ago, in my children's drawing class at the civic center I asked the children to use a purple pencil to draw the lemons that were arranged on the table in front of them. When the class ended, my children who were participating that day, said to me: "mommy, next time, don't ask the kids to draw purple lemons".

Sunday, November 8, 2009


There is nothing better than homemade Italian food, plus Italian opera, plus Italian conversation with family and friends!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


My brother has finally posted something NEW on his website. There is a beautiful picture titled "Autumn", and a very beautiful poem by a famous English poet.


We carved pumpkins, and then we watched Dexter.