
Thursday, October 14, 2010


I am ready to write a story of my life.
I was born in Poland, 12 years after the World War II ended.
I am the younger of two children born to Helena and Staniław.
My brother Wiesław is the older child.
My story doesn't know yet where to begin.
CHAPTER ONE: Time Stops for Me
Our father owned one book: "Zegarmistrzostwo." It was a very thick book; it probably had over 1000 pages and maybe there was more than one volume of it in the wooden cabinet with sliding glass doors.

Our mother was a well read woman in contrast to Stasiek; Helena subscribed to "Przekrój".
Both of our parents were geniuses.

Zegarki Taty: wskazówki
Zegarki Taty
Zegarki Taty
Zegarki Taty
       Dla Kochanego Taty - "Mango"
Dziadek Władek i Babcia Antosia
Wnuczusie Emilunia i Lidzia
My photographic art 1977
My Father's Legacy
Polska bułka z serem
Time Stops For Me
Trasa Taty
Zegarek z wiśniowymi kamieniami
Zegarki Taty: tryby