"Girl with Brown Hair" on 5x7" canvas board is a sketch for a larger painting maybe. I used here acrylic paint, watercolor pencils and a fine line black permanrnt marker.
Bad paintings or good paintings, there is always a story behind them. This one has its own story: It was painted in a hurry, perhaps in 20 minutes. The day was coming to an end: It was May, in a room with a big complex window. The world outside the window had a promise of yet another spectacular evening sky to show. The painter was a female, age 55 and of European heritage, with blue-gray eyes and fake blond hair. She brought a loaf of sour dough bread, placed it on a gray table and sliced off a few uneven pieces with a white plastic knife, then gave the fresh aromatic treats to her students to eat. She had a slice to satisfy her hunger and washed it down with some not so good coffee from the snack bar. Gardenia, leak and bread trio is pictured here, but the bunch of red beets needs explanation... they are also here. But can you believe me?