
Sunday, September 25, 2011


  I Made this drawing for my  Weekend Youth Drawing Workshop. 
 HALLOWEEN A d v e n t u r e

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Landscape with Cornucopia

Landscape with Cornucopia; mixed media and collage on paper;

Saturday, September 17, 2011


"Landscape with Pumpkin and Apple", 2011; 15x11.5"

9x12" drawing paper attached to cardboard. Pastels were used for the background earth part; leaves and acorns were drawn with HB graphite pencil and enhanced with colored pencils: yellow, orange, purple. Watercolor pencils (with brush and water for the upper part) were used for the sky.

On the horizon line: pumpkin and apple drawn from the cornucopia still life; two leaf impressions in the center pasted with acrylic gel medium -- HB graphite pencil and colored pencils were used here.

Additional impressions of leaves (mainly from live oak tree) were cut out and pasted around the drawing paper to create a complete collage. Yarn and mounting tape were used to create a simple hanging "wire" on the back of the cardboard. I forgot to bring this demo collage to the actual workshop on September 17. It wasn't funny, when I started sweating while looking for it on the workshop table cluttered with art materials and recycled cardboard... I left it at home accidentally... but the one and a half hour class went least that's what I want to believe:) Thanks for participating! Next workshop will be in October, just in time for Halloween!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Decorative Art

"Rose", 2011; watercolor & mixed media on paper

"Morning Glory", 2011 watercolor& mixed media on paper

"Wild Rose", 2011; watercolor & mixed
media on paper