
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Work as the Instructor of Art Workshops for Kids

I like to conduct these workshop with concern for freedom and creativity for each student. 

Halloween Workshop was last Saturday.
The art materials were  thoughtfully chosen: India ink, Japanese 'cake' water-soluble  inks/paints, watercolor pencils, charcoal, graphite pencils, newsprint  paper for sketching, and heavyweight drawing paper for the finished art. I always provide visual aids for inspiration:  images of my own artworks like the "Spider Eyes White Pumpkin Princess"; magazine pages with jack'o lanterns, paper party plates with Halloween theme, and last but not least,  my demos done right there in front of my students - crayon resist spider web, and friendly ghost trio - two quick artworks on white drawing paper washed over with black India ink; plus graphite sketch on newsprint paper.

And presented here are two artworks created during the workshop by my students: 11- year- old Madelyn, and 10-year-old Zoe.
Student Artist: Madelyn, age 11.

Student Artist: Zoe, age 10.

/Malgorzata Kawashima - Art Instructor

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